Thursday, August 4, 2011

Y Olympics Week

We began our Y Olympics week with an explanation of what the Olympics are. The children had a little bit of an idea but not really. They were all a little young to remember much from past Olympics.

The children were split into groups and we began the "games" right away. One group began their competition while the other group was able to create their own flag. We had several quite interesting flags to be made, but all enjoyed creating their own flag to represent them. A few of the games we began with were the football toss, Frisbee throw, soccer kick, relay race, 25 yard dash, slowest starburst chewing contest, the quiet game, swimming races and many more through out the week. As the week progressed each child had a chance to win "medals".

Tuesday we went to swim at the Y and participated in a few swim races. It was just for fun and each child earned a medal for it.

Wednesday was one of our best field trips for the summer. We went to Kazoing! and the children LOVED it. They were able to practice some gymnastics by jumping on the trampoline, using the uneven bars and they also got to swing into a foam pit, run through a jumpy maze and do an obstacle course. This was a great trip for every one. Although, the counselors were a bit sad that we were unable to get on the equipment and "play" with the kiddos. I guess we are all kids at heart.

Thursday we went to swim at the Y and did some more rock wall climbing and kids club. We have some VERY strong climbers in this group. Several have been practicing all summer and done a great job working up to newer levels. Be sure to check out the schedule at the Y so you can watch your child climb. We have several nights a week it is open for about four hours.

Friday we completed our Olympic week by finishing up creating their torches and awarded medals. We had our torch ceremony along with our closing ceremonies. Each child was awarded their medal filled with Gold, Silver and "Bronze" stars to represent the games they won through out the week. The children each got to come forward to receive their medal. After they received their medals we took a walk through the campus and gym. The children came up with their own chant and midway down the hall were saying "We are, We are Awesome. . .Awesome.

I was very pleased with the children's enthusiasm to participate in the games and crafts. I hope they enjoyed the week as much as the counselors did.

Christmas in July

As you approached the classroom this week, you probably scratched your head and thought "WHY in the world is there a Christmas tree out, It's July!". You are correct it was Christmas in July. We started the week off by creating Christmas themed papers and talking about what we wanted Santa to bring us. We also had The Paint Spot visit us for our "Field trip". The kids didn't quite understand that it was a field trip when it was at camp. They all did a wonderful job painting their mugs. We even got to have two groups from the older camp join us. There was a lot of creative juices flowing and many laughs heard around the room.

Of course it is July, so we cant leave out our weekly swimming. Tuesday we were off to the Y for swimming. The pool is always a nice break from the heat, even when the water is 90 degrees. We have been opening the slide each week for the kiddos to enjoy and also that water is MUCH cooler :-)  We were also able to enjoy the Kids Club and Rock Wall at the Y later in the after noon. Despite the very hot weather walking over, we were able to enjoy the cool air and water to drink once inside the Y. If your children are super tired on Tuesdays or Thursdays, this would be why. We take not one but two walks to the Y (swimming, rock wall climbing and kids club playing).

Wednesday we had several activities at camp to start out the day then took a special trip to the Y for swimming. We were trying to beat the heat this week. Unfortunately, we were unable to stay more than an hour. That hour was nice though, we cant complain.

Thursday was a special treat because we were able to have an extra field trip. We headed back out to Calypso Cove due to the HOT weather we were having. IT was no Christmas weather this July, that's for sure.

Friday we had a family picnic. We were very excited to make Christmas tree poster's by using our hand prints. We also we very excited to have a visit from Santa. Last year he was able to join us and the kids truly enjoyed it. Unfortunately, due to unexpected circumstances Santa was unable to attend. The children were sad to hear his plane got stuck in Dallas, TX where he had been all week for training. They understood though because they knew it was TOO HOT for those reindeer to bring him, because they might get sick. They were heart broken and I was sad to inform them BUT Santa did give me some ideas of a special treat to give the kiddos. He asked me to make them all snow cones and then give them a treat bag. The kids were very excited to receive their gift, even though Santa was not able to attend.

All in all, this week was a HUGE success. Thanks for a great week, parents & kiddos.

Under Sea Adventure

Our Under Sea Adventure week began with group activities, playground and several books about the ocean. The children had a lot of fun swimming, going to Calypso Cove, enjoying a few crafts and of course the bus ride.

We were able to make a jellyfish, create our own aquariums and talk about what we would find under the sea.

Due to the extreme heat we had to put off some of our outdoor games and plans. It was very hot and extremely humid. We made the best of it with limited time outdoors and many a game of freeze dance/cha cha slide and singing.

The kids seemed to have a great week and enjoy the activities we had. Calypso Cove was a favorite this week, every one had a FUN time! Of course, the kids absolutely love the bus ride more than the field trip it seems. I think they like not having to "buckle up" and freedom to choose where they sit with their friends. We have quite a few who enjoy a cat nap on the rides back to camp site. They sure are peaceful as they sleep :-)

I would say this week was definitely a hit! Thanks for all your help and I apologize for delaying the updates.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


I first want to apologize for my lack of updating the Blog. I have been extremely busy outside of work, so my down time is normally going to be. It has not included any time to update the blog. I will, however, be updating photo's and what we've been up to this week. It takes a bit of time to upload photo's but I will get to working on it.

The past few weeks have been amazing and very busy at camp. We had Christmas in July, Hawaiian Hullabaloo, Under Sea Adventure, Y Olympic week and next week begins our Space is the Place.

Keep watching for updates as the week continues. I do want to remind all parents that JCPS will not be offering free lunch or breakfast the next two weeks. We do ask that you pack your child's lunch daily for the next two weeks. Also, the week of August 8-12 we will be located at the Southwest YMCA. If you have any further questions please feel free to ask us at camp or call the front desk. We appreciate your cooperation with us. Have a great night!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Stars and Stripes

We began this week with a day off to celebrate the 4th of July. I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend. We know many of the children got to go to the lake and cook outs. They've been telling us some amazing stories of what they did over the weekend. We hope you all had an enjoyable time with friends and family.

Tuesday was VERY HOT outside. We began our week at camp with swimming at the YMCA. We headed back to the site for lunch and to change. The kiddos were all for walking back to the YMCA to play in the kids club and attempt some rock climbing. We made sure they all had water once we arrived to the YMCA and were able to get as much as they wanted while we were there. We took one last big drink before heading back to the site. We had snack upon arrival and a lot more of the H2O.

Wednesday we headed to the PRP Fire Department. Upon arriving we had several firemen to show us around the facility. We started out by looking at the trucks in the "Garage" and each child getting to sit up in the truck. They had a lot of fun and had MANY questions for the kind firemen. Once every child was able to look all around the truck they took us into the living room of the firehouse. One of the head firemen talked to us about fire safety. While he was talking he also showed us what the firemen have to wear to go into a fire. He explained to the children not to be scared of the firemen IF they ever have to be rescued from a house or smoke filled room. He talked about what the children should do and how to respond to that type of situation. He then allowed each of the children to get up and touch the fireman who was fully suited up. He wanted to be sure they knew the same regular guy who put all that on was the same person once he was covered up and looked kinda scary. They did a great job explaining and answering the children's questions. As they were ending this part up and showing us more of the firehouse they got a fire run. Most of the men had to leave and the kids thought that was really cool. They were able to hear the call come in and see the men leave with lights/sirens on. After we were left with almost no one to give us the rest of the tour the fire Marshall talked with them about lighters. They brought in some lighters that looked like toys and talked about lighter safety. They also showed them all a fire detector and talked about what to do if they hear one. As the visit came to an end they got to go in and see the beds the firemen sleep on and their bathroom/showers. Of course when seeing the bathroom EVERY child had to go :-).

We left the firehouse and went to Waverly Park to eat lunch. It's very quiet and peaceful up at the park. We ate under a covered gazebo by the lake. After they got done eating they were able to play on the playground for some time. We would have stayed longer, but there were no restrooms and one by one each child had to go. We left a little early to get back to the bathrooms at camp.

We got back early so we filled in our extra time at site with some art projects. First we made Thank You cards for the group cleaning up around Doss High School. We delivered them and of course they wanted to play with the kids and talk with them for a few minutes. The kids had a lot of fun creating the cards and then delivering them. After the cards were delivered the children made finger print American Flags. This was quite a task of listening to directions and following them. Most of the children did a wonderful job at both. We sent those flags home today, so if you didn't go home with one we will send it tomorrow.

After the flags, we played in the gym for a little while as we waited for our guest.

Officer Holland came to see the children at camp and talk to them about more safety. He is well known to most of the returning campers. They know him by the name Mr. Tyler though. They were so excited to see him come back in his new uniform. He explained how police officers are here to keep them safe. He also showed them all his "tools" he uses on his job. They had many questions (mostly about guns and shooting) but he quickly turned the conversation away from guns and shooting. He reminded them that is not the major concern for a police officer and although they have a gun that's not what they want to use on a regular basis. The kids thought it was really cool for him to come visit them. He even took some time to hang out and take pictures with the kids.

Today we went swimming at the YMCA and returned late in the afternoon for rock climbing and kids club. We had several children that got all the way to the top of the rock wall. They were very proud and I have to apologize that I didn't have the camera with us. We will take it next week. We also made firework art in the classroom as we waited for parents to arrive. Some children might not have been able to make one but that is OK. Tomorrow we are going to have three different crafts for them to choose from to make and even have a chance to make ones they didn't get to make today.

Tomorrow we are going to end out the week with some fun at site. IF we are able to we will add in some extra swim time. I hope you all have a great weekend and keep checking in for more photos and posts.

Wild, Wild West

Last week we ventured out into the Wild, Wild West. The children started out the week by making their own sheriff badge and learning some western songs. They learned a fun version of She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain and a few others.

On Tuesday we hit up the YMCA for swimming, rock wall climbing and kids club. Even though the weather was very hot, the children did a great job walking to and from the YMCA twice in one day.

On Wednesday we went down to the Frazier Arms International Museum. This was a mostly hands off field trip, but these children did an amazing job following those rules! We began our field trip with some instructions from the director at the museum. Then we were able to go ALL THE WAY up to the fourth floor (by using the stairs). We definitely got some exercise in that day. After we made it to the fourth floor the children listened to a book read by the lady leading us on our tour. She then had a really neat art project for the kids. They got to create their own brand for their"cow". The children had a lot of fun creating this and putting it on their cow as they finished coloring it. It was fun to see the different designs they chose. They learned all about the branding and why it was done. They also were able to try on some really neat cowboy clothes. She had a vest, chaps, hat, boots, brand, gloves and rope on display. Each child was able to touch all the items and also to wear them. After this project ended we had a quick bathroom break then divided up into several groups. Each group went on a scavenger hunt through out the museum. We each had three stops to make and several questions to answer. This was actually a lot of fun and an easy way to let us see the entire museum. After the scavenger hunt we got to meet a real live cowboy. He talked to the children and let them participate in a "Re-enactment" of rounding up some cattle. He answered questions and even took time to take a picture with our campers.

We ended up the week with some more swimming at the YMCA and also a cook out on Friday. The children really seem to enjoy our cook outs. They are able to pick out what they would like to eat from what the campers brought in. They seem very surprised that we let them go back for more and get whatever they want. We are so thankful for all the wonderful veggies, fruits and baked chips you parents bring in. The kids make such good choices and every thing is healthy so it makes it even better. We serve the left over fruit, veggies and baked chips for snack. Thank you for all your help in providing the campers with such a healthy lunch and snack. They truly love it. I cant believe how many strawberries and melon balls these kiddos can consume. I am so excited to see them choose more fruit and veggies over the chips too. You parents would be very proud of them.